
Enrichment Classes

We offer a variety of fun and educational activities related to the arts, music, culture, science, and drama to inspire a child’s curiosity in exploring the world and to enhance their knowledge of their living environment.

Pre-Kindergarten Class

The Pre-Kindergarten Class focuses on academic enrichment. Children learn phonics, words, and math so that they can be well-prepared to transition into kindergarten.

STEAM Curriculum

Our STEAM curriculum focuses on nurturing children’s curiosity, imagination, creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, sense of collaboration, and self-confidence through hands-on projects in science, technology, engineering, arts and math. 

In addition, our science class aims at fostering children’s computational thinking and familiarizing them with the design process, which enhances their learning and ability and helps them establish a foundation in goal setting, action plan formulation, testing and evaluation, and revision. Such learning experience benefits children by strengthening their self-regulation, motivational, cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social skills.